Periodontal Treatments



When gum disease is diagnosed, the choice of treatment options is determined by the specifics of your condition and the extent of the issue. Our approach typically commences with the least invasive non-surgical options. Yet, for more severe cases, surgical intervention might be required.


The primary approach to combat gum disease involves a specialized cleaning technique called “scaling and root planing.” During this procedure, an ultrasonic cleaning device is utilized to remove plaque and tartar from areas that are challenging to reach with regular cleaning tools. These areas include beneath the gum line, the tooth surfaces, and around the root. Following this, the rough surfaces of the tooth and root are smoothed out (planed), establishing a clean and healthy surface that facilitates the reattachment of gum tissue to the tooth.
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If gum disease is addressed promptly and is not yet severe, scaling and root planing may be the sole required treatment. However, as with any dental procedure, post-treatment care is vital. To preserve your dental health and prevent future episodes of gum disease, it is imperative to maintain daily brushing and flossing habits, adhere to a nutritious diet, refrain from tobacco usage, and schedule regular dental checkups. Even after a successful scaling and root planing, neglecting proper dental care can heighten the risk of gum disease recurrence.
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If the tissue or bone surrounding your teeth has sustained significant damage that cannot be rectified through non-surgical means, there are various surgical procedures available to prevent further deterioration and restore your oral health. The choice of the most suitable procedure will depend on the specific condition of your teeth and gums. Below is a list of common types of periodontal surgery.
  1. Pocket Depth Reduction: In a healthy mouth, teeth are firmly surrounded by gum tissue and supported by the jawbone. Periodontal disease compromises these tissues, leading to open spaces or pockets around the teeth. Larger pockets provide a conducive environment for bacteria to accumulate, causing progressively more damage over time. Eventually, the supportive structure weakens to the point where teeth may fall out or require extraction. During pocket reduction procedures, also known as “flap surgery,” we gently fold back the gum tissue to access the bacteria, hardened plaque, and tartar hidden underneath. Any damaged tissue is removed, and the healthy tissue is repositioned and sutured in place. This allows the gums to reattach to the teeth after the bacterial contaminants have been eliminated.
  2. Regeneration: In cases where bone and tissue supporting the teeth have been lost due to severe gum disease, we can initiate a regeneration procedure. This involves folding back the gum tissue to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar. Depending on your specific condition, we may perform a bone graft to stimulate new bone growth or apply a specialized protein that encourages tissue growth to repair the areas damaged by the disease.
  3. Soft-Tissue Graft: Gum recession, a common symptom of gum disease, exposes more of the tooth roots, making teeth appear longer and increasing sensitivity to temperature changes in food and beverages. It also exposes the tooth to additional damage from gum disease. During a soft-tissue graft, we take tissue from the roof of your mouth or another source and graft it onto the gum area to cover the roots and restore the gum line to its original, healthy position. This procedure can also be performed for cosmetic purposes.