
Healthy teeth and smile. Serious doctor directly into the camera. Dentist sitting in the dentist for dental chair and holding a dental drill in hand.


Dental crowns serve as a cosmetic solution to strengthen a tooth or enhance its shape, typically employed for teeth that have suffered damage, wear, or partial tooth decay. These crowns are attached to an existing tooth, completely covering the portion of the tooth that extends above the gum line. Essentially, the crown becomes the tooth’s new outer surface. Crowns can be constructed from materials such as porcelain, metal, or a combination of both. Porcelain is the preferred choice due to its close resemblance to the natural translucency of teeth and its durability.
When a tooth lacks the strength to support a filling, crowns or partial crowns, known as onlays, are necessary. Unlike fillings applied directly into the mouth, crowns are manufactured outside the mouth. A dental technician creates the crown in a laboratory, using an impression of your tooth to ensure it aligns perfectly with your bite and jaw movements. This customized approach ensures that the crown functions seamlessly with your bite and jaw once it is placed.